My gift to the first family for saving our families.
Big busts in Seattle too MS and AMZ guess they liked their tacos, not anymore
I would say "hey I'm going to get me kid on" if I was doing a water slide, she picked some bad terms from her hell book
I had a programmer that I worked with, brought me home to have dinner with his wife they made a chicken dish with yogurt and couscous it created my love of couscous and just sweet people
Sweet baby Jesus let this be true, these super predators must be brought to heel.
Hey Hillary, member when you said this?
Sessions is Andy Griffith Sheriff, ah gee sucks, always got his man, he is meek but he has a grudge of those that have screwed him over
And fondle Q you left that off, they tend to take a knee I mean shit Q team is working, not looking for a teen magazine crush
here here, shut your cock holsters plebs they will hip us when they hip us, until then stfu