It was a Bible verse.
If synthetic telepathy exists, are your thoughts your own? Are anyone's? Mine? Who am I? Who are you?
Wonder how they verify how it's really Q communicating with them?
That's not how it worksโฆIf you add a space after the Q then there's a Q+[space]+trip. If you do not add a space then it's Q+trip. Trip stays the same both times.
Not him, US. USAโฆetc.
Some think the ATL target was Assange, who is now in US territory. Some don't.
You're still not getting it. It never had a space for the simple fact he never inserted one, that has nothing to do with the fact that that is in fact the old trip, which has been cracked.
True. I have the organic kind. Blessing and a curse. Q is fine, other players here are not. Evil lurks. Stay vigilant anons.
Counter culture was CIA psyop, try again.
Yes of course it is. The problem is I can't just like message Q and say "hey bad guys are cracking your trip". When I say Q communicates with the mods, I mean he sends things to us - not the other way around.
>Reach is not an issue. Q only communicates here now. I will contact him directly and ask him to change it to a trip with a ##.
>- BO
Taking retarded to a new level haha