Use your brain.
Okay. Neural activity engaged.
The password is insecure if it held valuable secrets or information.
Is that what it did?
No, nothing Q posted was secret intelligence.
It was all easily accessible, already published info.
What's the worst that would happen if someone used the password?
Lead the posters here off on wild goose
chases, give false hope, and string you along.
Would that stop real Q from using the password?
What would real Q do if an imposter appeared?
Leave, or change the password.
What has he already done?
Leave, and changed tripcode.
What can he do?
What makes you think it is a "he" or a "she"?
Don't be an idiot.
Maybe you should look up Matlock.
Maybe Q wanted you to crack the password. Maybe the password is a clue.
Maybe Q isn't who you assumed "him" to be.
Any actual, documented, arrests yet?
The massive amount of conjecture here diminishes everyone's credibility, and makes it difficult to present the facts in a logical fashion.
What is the number ONE game the cabal plays
against opponents?
They call your CREDIBILITY into question.
For the record, Matlock was a popular TV show back in the late 80's and early 90's. Andy Griffith played "MatLOCK," a Harvard educated lawyer whose favorite food was hot dogs.
He was a master at getting his clients off the hook.
Think about it.