Q wants you to help spread the word to normies. I'm a normie, just came home from Family holiday. I have been following Q since 10/28 on 4chan. I took your efforts on vacation with me and had success with 6 of 8 adults. 1 of 2 adults I lacked success with came to me privately and told me he was too old and this was too upsetting but that I was correct with most of what I was saying. Check in on your progress and stick with what works. Shift what you think needs to be shifted to get the word spread! If I took your info and succeed with 6, imagine how many others had similar luck. Please feed me more! I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!
>>223822 could I make a suggestion? Start a Facebook game with a meme using the psychology of advertising 101 method. Flood social media with the letter Q making everyone see it everywhere causing Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Make everyone see Q's everywhere, then teach them what Q is. Something like this meme with cute pics that most will stop to look at. Old saying for advertising " Last thing read is first thing said! "
If you try to talk to them about Q or Trump and they interrupt your first sentence by interjecting something hateful, it is most likely a lost cause because you can't get past the blind hate. Stop trying and give hug/ love. Break down the hate with love and then try again at a later time but it is useless to continue. Hug or squeeze a hand in a loving gesture to break down the walls
skip the sexual children stuff until you have them on board. The satanic stuff can best be proven using the interview of Sally Quinn promoting her new book. She is Ben Bradley's wife and confesses to be satanic ( former WaPo executive editor )
Place the letter Q slightly lower left of center for initial eye contact made with the image, then put #Qanon in the location your eye is forced to travel to based on the leg of the letter Q. Godspeed anon!