Troops deployed worldwide with 10k indictments.
http: //aprillajune. com/breaking-troops-deployed-worldwide-10k-sealed-indictments/
In 2011 Obama dug a hole by the West Wing of the White House, 100ftx100ft, child-trafficking tunnels or a dungeon perhaps. They do many rituals underground.
http: // /news/article-2050508/Is-Obama-building-super-bunker-swimming-pool-White-House.html
Don't be fooled by his down-home demeanor and country-boy ways; criminal defense lawyer Ben Matlock is worth every penny of his fee. Count on Matlock to visit the crime scene, scope out the clues everyone else missed, and dramatically reveal the real criminal (usually a killer)…Is Sessions Matlock?
Matlock was a lawyer who revealed often times dramatic criminal cases. I believe Sessions is spearheading the US indictments. He's a southern lawyer