I havelighted the importance of JA many times. Where is he? Where is GS?
Pieces of the puzzle.
Always assess multiple sources. Open to many experiences and skillsets. Analyze, think, but do not make absolute assumptions. Missing small details.
Xmas vs Christmas
Who could be on the TEAM? Who uses X? Who does not?
Attention to details always important. Measure twice, cut once.
I am not important. Just standing Fire Watch.
Maybe. Maybe not.
It is personal for many. Deliberate for most. What did POTUS emphasize this Christmas?
Patterns are important. Q was deliberate. Consistent. Reason for everything. Change is important. What can change show, indicate, guide?
Anon #1: Q never wrote "Xmas"…
Anon #2: Showed Q did write "Xmas" in contrast to "Christmas" other times.
Attention to details important. Team important. Verify with multiple sources. Measure twice, cut once. Spreadsheet good. Some "resources" designed to distract, confuse. Some just incomplete. Guidance needed.
I am not leading. Part of the team. Guidance sometimes needed. Please do not misunderstand.