For any true and lasting change to occur,
we MUST see it.
"You shall know the truth, and the truth
shall set you free."
Secrets protect the predators.
Silence is consent.
We pay most of these peoples' salaries.
We have a right to know where the money is.
We have a right to know who has committed crimes
against this nation and its people.
We have a right to try them by a jury of their peers.
These are RIGHTS guaranteed by our Constitution.
All this secrecy allowed this rotting corruption
the very cover it needed to exponentially proliferate.
So yes,
We need to see it - to heal it.
We need to see it to know what to fix,
and how to do better.
We need to see it to prevent it from ever
happening again.
You cannot solve a problem using the same logic that created it in the first place, and you
cannot solve a problem if you do not know where
the problem exists.
TOTAL TRANSPARENCY is KEY to ending this
long national nightmare.
Anything less is an exercise in futility,
and a violation of public trust.