The CT thing was an interesting phenomenon.
My take
Originally 99% of her followers incensed.
HuffPo debunk tried.
Her weird posts i.e. "Luna hasnt learned how to lick yet" and multiple pedo jokes.
Dismissed offhand. However anons sounding intelligent and reasonable highlighted these posts and asked good questions.
Buzzfeed debunk followed.
CT also reached out to Ch Cli.
CT deleting twats.
Realization Twats archived by Autists.
Damage Done.
No choice but to make account private.
Now Panic.
1 mill followers lost Yuuuge. Redpilled?
And following previous pattern expect to see false flag attack on CT which may serve the exposed and blame put on Conspiricy Nuts.
Advise to not allow. Good Guys protect inform and gain loyalty.
She sees that effort to protect her was more about debunk pizzagate than rescuing her.
She's a talker.
Based on LRNG signals her fidelity
God Bless Patriots