Strongly disagree. Morons will riot, claiming Trump is starting a dictatorship and imprisoning all of his political opponents. Prepare to have martial law installed to protect yourself from their tantrums.
Lets hope it's Guantanamo Orange...
The problem is they are so brainwashed and programmed that they're not going to believe anything they see. While I agree they should be arrested and heavily investigated too, it's not going to change the fact they will riot. Just look how they act even today when you present them with hard core evidence. They'll believe nothing coming from the Trump administration. We will be under martial law until they are dealt with.
I suspect more than that.. but yes, they'll have to go.
Did the shill bus just drop off another load?
I think I'm under attack. They're using HAARP to gas me.
Suddenly having prrrrbbbffft unbelievable pulls sweat pants back up 21 second long, 4 octave prrrrrrrrfbbbbt gas attacks. Must be getting close to the truth.