Anonymous ID: 1fc8f4 Jan. 1, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.225995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6125


POTUS' Team will probably just add & roll this into the mountains of evidence of voter fraud & tampering that they already have. From last May: http://dailycaller .com/2017/05/11/the-other-much-worse-hacking-story/

Muh Russia.

>Cybersecurity experts have confirmed that the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security attempted to hack into states’ voter registration systems in Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, and West Virginia.

>What’s more, the hacking attempts occurred on key election dates and also happened to coincide with Kemp’s public statements pushing back against a DHS plan to designate state election systems “critical infrastructure.”

>Since then, Indiana and Idaho have joined Georgia in public announcements… There were even attempts to hack and sell login credentials for the Election Assistance Commission…

There's also https://hooktube .com/watch?v=d4XK8DGeWgU


Pic related was posted (on the only other board I've lurked since the primaries) by an astute baw at approx 6:45 pm central time last night, so it’s legit (not shopped).