Anonymous ID: 52c139 Jan. 1, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.226441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6453 >>6524 >>6589 >>6637

I've been putting together an animated timeline in Blender and after effects that explains literally everything…. from central banks to the KKK giving us our first progressive presidents to when they installed a central bank by moving to Canada, and a surprising vindication of Bush that explains Q in a mind blowing way that I bet few people will agree with until they see it.


Part of it is in my website I made for us, - I suck at websites but I did my best to explain it in a lecture quiz kind of thing - it doesn't cover even 1/100th of my research but I am always so busy, far too busy to do more than an update every other day and a post of new research on 8chan here and there- but I've been with this since the beginning- and I was right there with George Webb earlier this year when he began the floodgate of CIA/Dyncorp info drops so don't think I am speaking out my rear-end here- yet ever since Q kicked into gear I've spent 99% of my time researching and putting info that other people use or more lately that nobody has seen.


But I saw another hate Bush thing just a minute ago and I felt compelled to post, I wish I had more time to go over the details, but that's why I bought webspace that couldn't be hijacked by the bad guys. The short version is that 9/11 was a plot by Al-Walleed which we knew but the secret WW3 stuff that Q has hinted at - is that they were going to pin it on Osama and tie Bush to Osama (who had them visiting at the time) thereby ousting him and with Cheney all is well with deep state. most don't remember that the media was almost as bad to Bush as they were to Trump and so he was no friend of deep state - it's actually eerie how similar the tactics they use - from phony documents to John Lewis raising a stink over Legitimacy.


But the truth is deeper - and H W Bush was Reagan's Mueller - had he gotten his second term he would have ended the CIA himself. I asked real people who knew him btw, I have military family and like many of you I lost faith in Bush long ago - but Q has brought me back on board in ways that most of you don't see cause of Mockingbird Tunnel vision.


Want to know why State Secrets aren't open yet? Cause the media will run with the old conspiracy -it's the freaking point of Q! to get us to realize the truth and not blame Bush cause of Osama - Osama had NOTHING to do with 9/11! and thank god he hid that, I still don't know what the Iraq war was about but I do know they gave him phony intelligence. I suspect he just acted the part they wanted while behind the scenes he funded the non-corrupt military and prepared for Trump. Sure a tragedy he had to go along with their plans but the words "War on Terror" allowed him to create a war-council and build on JFK's gains with DIA (the agency meant to replace the CIA) and why do we even have a non-corrupt military or a funded one? Who put the stops to Obama? It's cause they never gave him full control, not over certain things.


ok ok, I got to get back to work, so much I have been trying to share and have had little time to - please look into Citibank's logo change in 2001 for example - why did they change it then?

Anonymous ID: 52c139 Jan. 1, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.226477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6494



Nope, they changed that in 2001 and they were the financiers behind 9/11 tho I do find your info-graphic interesting I'm afraid the difference is smaller i's and a red line above them - to me that doesn't mean crap about umbrella's - it's a stupid wink to the two towers - and their master plan therein. They do that crap all the time with winks - and George Webb is particularly masterful at explaining it - but I have so little time go get into the minutia here - I appreciate your findings tho, I doubt I'll convince you without showing more of my evidence but it's much deeper than iconography I promise.

Anonymous ID: 52c139 Jan. 1, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.226510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526


what a surprisingly cordial response. thank you,


I expected, especially with me talking about Bush the way ID did more animosity - but you have partly restored my faith in objective thought sir.

Anonymous ID: 52c139 Jan. 1, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.226584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609


Ah nice, someone did read it,


Also this is why State Secrets is such an important topic to Q - Obama hid bad stuff behind it - but Bush expanded it which allowed him to hide Osama and much else. It's been both good and bad and figuring out the truth will allow the next state (I hope) I've seen the shills constantly push negative Bush stuff, and just like with Israel we tend to bite because it fits preconceived notions and he clearly lied about plenty - but why did he lie? That's an important thing to differentiate corruptness. I believe they expected him to be honest which is what got him into the damn white house cause he seemed believable. It's so hard to remember cause we've had so many years of hate trump and before that hate bush - but even a cursory look at anytthing the year he was elected will show the similarities - and he never fought back like Bush did.,


anyway, got to get back to work - I wanted to mention State Secrets cause it's the key to putting together the "map" as we will see and well, that image that Q mentioned the reading of I can do a direct reading of it but well there's just always so many threads to pull together - here's a few more

Anonymous ID: 52c139 Jan. 1, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.226633   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because the plan was to use their mastery of the media to fuck him - Bush never fought back against the media - and all the stuff Q has said about Osama and what was hidden on planes away from 9/11? This is because Bush hid a hell of a lot through state secrets here look at this image.




R not too many years after that we got a bunch of leaks about 9/11 and how Bush's plane was under attack - does anybody else remember that? A lot happened that day - and Bush did what he did - I don't think Trump agrees with a lot of it - but it wasn't intentionally corrupt (I think) I was right with you all before now - but the more research I do the more it explains history in a new way - Bush could never ever beat the media and if he had not played along to some extent - cause remember when Trump got the good media treatment after nearly starting a war with Syria? And how did the shadow brokers (assange) respond? Clearly they have away of doing things that involves "you prove you are one of us or we murder/destroy you" - This was what occured and both Bush and Trump have managed to play them for fools in different ways - Trump way better than Bush of course.