The Swamp Purge explained by MegaAnon….
Thanks to Obama, the last version of the NDAA in 2014, an American citizen, STILL cannot only be detained without warrant and indefinitely, but yes, you can be shipped to (but not limited to) GITMO. When you're reading that bill again, please note the specific language around terms like "terror", "terrorist", "terror state", "human right violations", etc. it who'll be helpful as we progress. Remember, before numbers 2-4 below were put in place, it was still legal, but could've been a hard fought battle in Congress.
Remember when the state department recently named and officially added North Korea as a "terror state"?
Remember when immediately proceeding that,Trump signed an exec. order, directly targeting North Korea's trade partners. This severely sanctions and calls out the financial ties/funding/kickbacks via corporations, organizations, nations AND individuals, working with and funding NK, directly or indirectly via contracts, subsidies, etc. and through those nations central banks as well.
Then, remember when Trump his latest executive order last week on human rights, targeting and freezing the incoming/outgoing financial assets and "business" paths for nations, organizations, corporations and individuals tied to human rights violations, including those who directly or indirectly support, aid, finance and/or harbor terrorism? It's now even cited as a national state of emergency. Freezing the assets without warrant or pursuant of notice?!
With Trump/Tillerson's actions, between North Korea, the Middle East and Africa alone, you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.
See why you have to give them ankle bracelets and sign EO's unexpectedly right before you freeze a few accounts and make a few arrest sweeps?! You can't tip off enemies of the state, too far in advance… Huma's had hers on the left this week!