Anonymous ID: ea38bf Just Who TF Is "Colonel" Roy Potter? Jan. 1, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.227080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7090 >>7126 >>7130 >>7242 >>7249



Anons, just throwing this out there, because while we come here, daily, and toil away in research, I’ve noticed that some people out there on social media seem to want to become "the face" of the Q phenomenon. One name that I've seen referenced in here a lot lately (and who is active on the Twatter a lot) is Royston Potter, who is purportedly a "lieutenant colonel" from some branch of the military. What branch? I couldn’t tell you. And I’m not sure he would ever tell you either, but more on that below.


I never heard of the guy until a few weeks ago. I’ve done a bit of research around here (legal, scientific, and general) and as things heat up with the storm I’ve been surfing the #qanon hashtag on Twatter. Tonight I saw that there was just a livestream by the great Royston Potter on YouBoob, so I tuned in. This was only my second time watching him on video but both times he sounded like a blowhard, like a David Seaman on steroids. By that I mean he didn't sound like anyone who's actively engaged in the digging and researching and document production (like we are in here) but, rather, like someone who likes to talk about the work that others (we) are doing, while puffing himself up as he speaks.


Anyway, tonight I got curious about Roy Potter so I googled him and found some disturbing results. I think they are worth sharing here because I’ve seen Anons here reference him with high regard, and I think we should, at the very least, be careful of the people in whom we place our trust. Apparently Royston Potter used to be a police officer in Utah but he was terminated because he had three wives and, um, polygamy is illegal, even in Utah (technically).


Potter refers to himself as a Lieutenant Colonel but I can't for the life of me, find anything substantiating his service in the military. A blogger (discussed below) also tried and failed to substantiate Potter’s military service.

In light of the fact that this current revo-Q-tion is being waged, on the front lines, by our heroes in the military, I have concerns that perhaps Mr. Potter has embellished his resume. So, anons, since he is online these days (on Twatter and YouBoob) pontificating about Q and the work that is being done here, can we please look into this guy more?


I, for one, never served in the military, but family members have. I understand how deeply special and important their service was to them, and all of them were and are extremely humble about what they did for our country and what they experienced in the line of duty.


Potter, on the other hand, just spent 2 minutes in his YouBoob livestream talking about how he "rose to the rank" of Colonel years ago, and it seemed like he was bragging a little bit too much. He comes off as a pompous windbag rather than as a true former lieutenant colonel.


I understand this post is a bit of a digression from the path on which Q steered us, but in light of the attention that The Storm is getting these days I think it’s relevant to make sure that there are no foxes in the henhouse, so to speak. With the increased focus on this, more people come here and surf social media for answers. I personally believe we would not want spokespeople who are, at least, not credible and who are, at worst, possibly abusive of women. Polygamy hurts women and children. Given the rampant sexual abuse perpetrated by the bad guys we discuss in here, and given that polygamy is not only illegal but also abusive and socially unacceptable on every level, I have valid concerns that an abuser (if this is the same Royston E. Potter) has possibly insinuated himself into this 8chan board in order to become "the face" of this Q phenomenon.

Given that Potter actually wrote a book on his polygamous lifestyle (linked here [split link]: com/wed-three-wives-polygamy-Royston/dp/B0006QJNIS/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1514872198&sr=1-2 and archived here [split link: http://archive. is/1RWWA]), I think he has no shame and could possibly be an attention-seeking famewhore. Yup, I said it.

Anonymous ID: ea38bf Jan. 1, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.227090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7106 >>7204





Please, researchers, can we dig a bit? I have no connection to the guy, personally, but I think it's only right that we know who we're dealing with. I've seen many on Twatter just lavish the guy with praise, but I'm getting a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and a "stolen valor" vibe from the guy.


Here is the link to the Google results on "Royston Potter polygamy" (split link): com/search?rlz=1C1AOHY_enUS752US752&ei=Ox1LWsnOGYHQjwSjpKSIBw&q=royston+potter+polygamy&oq=royston+potter+polygamy&gs_l=psy-ab.3…2586.7762.0.8157.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..3.18.2846…0j35i39k1j0i131k1j0i67k1j0i131i67k1j0i46i67k1j46i67k1j0i20i264k1j0i20i263k1j0i10k1j0i20i263i264k1j0i22i30k1j33i160k1j33i21k1.0.5_KhHfMyDvQ


Here is a link to all three books by Royston Potter that are currently listed on Amazon (one is about his life as a polygamist) (split link):

The archive to that link is here (split link): http://archive. is/P4Y83

A blogger had the same concerns about Roy Potter’s credibility back in 2013. A skeptical blogger did at least two articles on the guy:


  1. Here is a link to one blog entry (“Everyone Meet Colonel Potter”) (split link): http://thisainthell. us/blog/?p=35253 and, for good measure, here is a link to an archive of that article (split link): http://archive. is/VeiWD


  1. Here is a link to the second blog entry (“More on ‘LTC’ Royston Potter and Polygamy”) (split link): http://thisainthell. us/blog/?p=35267 and, for good measure, here is a link to an archive of that article, too (split link): http://archive. is/ediWj


Again, all y’all Anons, the only reason I’m raising this is that this guy, Roy Potter, has thrust himself into the limelight as though he is qualified to be an expert on what’s done on the chans (and elsewhere), and in some way he is representing us and the work that we all toil to do. I don’t know about you, but I think we will have a hard enough time red-pilling normies (at least until more drama unfolds), so do we really want a former police officer who was terminated for illegally practicing polygamy and who may or may not be fabricating his military service to speak for us out there?


God knows we have enough of an uphill battle ahead of us . . . Thank you for letting me raise my concerns.

Anonymous ID: ea38bf Jan. 2, 2018, 12:27 a.m. No.227308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think your suggestion that the black eyes could be the result of lobotomies makes perfect sense. One lobotomy procedure is called the "icepick lobotomy," which is as barbaric as it sounds (and which involves getting to the brain through the eye socket). There are videos of the procedure up on YouT*be. I don't have the stomach to watch them but if you do, here is a link: com/search?rlz=1C1AOHY_enUS752US752&ei=s0FLWunXEavMjwSt67SYDg&q=ice+pick+lobotomy+video&oq=icepick+lobotomy&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i10i67k1j0i10k1l9.4089.8282.0.11488.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..3.15.2328…0j0i67k1j0i131k1j0i20i264k1j0i10i46k1j46i10k1j0i22i30k1.0.ZjYs4wx_Sx8

Anonymous ID: ea38bf Jan. 2, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.227340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356


I don't know what all the black eyes mean, for sure, but they certainly are disturbing. I think they have to do with lobotomies, as discussed elsewhere in this thread. Perhaps some of the memefags would like a new pic to meme?