Black eyes.
Just had a thought - perhaps the procedure enables them to pass a polygraph. Be on the lookout for these people to offer themselves up for and pass polygraphs.
Black eyes.
Just had a thought - perhaps the procedure enables them to pass a polygraph. Be on the lookout for these people to offer themselves up for and pass polygraphs.
Not just polygraphs, but other enhanced interrogation methods perhaps.
This is indeed a spiritual war and there is a tremendous amount of insight into the human spirit in that post, whoever wrote it. The absence of fear can lead to a number of things given the context. Courage, unhindered inquiry, learning, discovery, even dare I say it, love.
God bless us all this is the Great Awakening.
Tears in my eyes Anon, I know exactly what you're eluding to. There was once a Princess who knew what we know and floundered. Of course we are being trained. We are being trained because we are anonymous and we are everyone. WE sit our family and friends down and calm them with truth and reassurance that everything will be ok as the ugly truth comes out. That's Stage 1. And then we make sure this never fucking happens again.
And when I say bodies, think Flight 77
Exactly. Getting warmer.