Article from 2013 from Yahoo No less:
https://finance.yahoo.com/ blogs/daily-ticker/monsanto-controls-government-chris-parker-135253110.html
How Monsanto Controls the Government
Agriculture and biotech giant Monsanto (MON) has become the poster child for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The St. Louis-based company has led efforts since the 1990s to make GMOs part of the nation’s diet. It also dominates the market for genetically modified crops, supplying farmers across the world with its corn, soy, sugar beets and alfalfa seeds. According to freelance reporter Chris Parker, who recently wrote a 4,000 word expose of Monsanto in the Village Voice newsweekly, Monsanto’s seeds “cover 40% of America’s crop acres and 27% worldwide.”
In an interview with The Daily Ticker, Parker describes in detail how connected Monsanto is to Washington lawmakers, a feat accomplished by spending $70 million in lobbying since 1998 and $10 million in campaign contributions in the past decade. Earlier this year Michael Taylor, the former vice president of public policy at Monsanto, was named by President Obama as deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine at the Food and Drug Administration. Parker says this appointment underscores two things: how deeply embedded Monsanto has become in the higher ranks of government and how the company has been able to quietly influence national food policy.
Cotton, corn and soybeans are the most common GE crops in the U.S. Last year GE cotton accounted for 94% of all cotton planted, GE soybeans accounted for 93% of soybeans planted, and GE corn accounted for 88% of corn planted, according to the USDA. Monsanto, which reported net sales of $4.2 billion and a profit of $909 million in the last quarter, is the world’s largest seed manufacturer.
Monsanto’s opposition to GMO labeling has been widely reported.
But its treatment of farmers who buy and plant its seeds deserves the same amount of attention, if not more, Parker argues.
“By controlling all of the seed companies [Monsanto] is able to limit the distribution of other seeds and kind of channel what kinds of things get put on the market,” he explains. “They’re like the Recording Industry of America (RIAA), but twice as mean.”
Parker says Monsanto employees will “harass” farmers to scare them from replanting the company’s seeds without permission. The company also hires “people who used to bust up unions” to investigate other seed distributors to protect its patents, he adds. Sources told Parker that farmers refer to Monsanto as the “seed police” and employ “Gestapo” and “mafia” like tactics to “spy and intimidate” them. And Monsanto will slap small farmers with lawsuits when it believes its patents have been violated. In May the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s ruling that Indiana soybean farmer David Runyon was guilty of patent infringement for planting and saving seeds that contained Monsanto's genetically altered Roundup Ready weed killer.
Exactly! That is why I am adding Monsanto to the list of who and what company needs to be researched into deep state. WHY others here are so against it…. well makes me wonder.