I dropped Keenans Name a few breads back.
Fake Gold coming from the Royal canadian mint??
Fake gold in France-UK.
This is going to be part of the storm. Remember building 7 and what was reported underneath.
Did we witness the worlds biggest gold heist? Fed reserve swear they don't have it?? Turns out they can trade burgerlands gold without even reporting it?? WTF
https://www. zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-30/could-be-huge-gold-bar-certified-royal-canadian-mint-exposed-fake
http://www. bbc.com/news/world-europe-16392922
http://nymag .com/news/9-11/10th-anniversary/gold/
https://www. shtfplan.com/precious-metals/federal-reserve-admits-we-have-no-gold_06062011
Who else loves gold? Trump……just check out his hotels!