>What is it that AIs of a certain type keep discovering?
Who, as in actual named people, actually is behind all this crap in the world.
>What is it that AIs of a certain type keep discovering?
Who, as in actual named people, actually is behind all this crap in the world.
Nuclear explosions cannot be set off at any time. The calculations have to be done individually for each target location according to the target's location in time and space and is to do with the harmonics of that location in time and space.
No two points have the same harmonics therefore nuclear explosions cannot be set off at the same time in different parts of the world. Therefore there is no such thing as MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). That is/was a big lie to keep countries in tow ((their)) agenda.
How many arrest warrants are there to be executed?
I did a calculation once about how many people it would take =at the top= to make the entire world a cesspool of corruption so that (((their))) agenda could be fulfilled.
I looked at the number of countries in the world and came to a rough figure of 200. I then guestimated how many people, on average, per country would need to be 'on board' for this agenda to be enabled. I came to the figure of around 250-300 people per country. Shortly after I did this exercise a news item comes out that $6 trillion had mysteriously disappeared from, I think it was, the GSA accounts. I am not entirely sure if I have that dept correct as all I heard was the $6 trillion. If you divide 60,000 (people in the world needed for this agenda) by $6 trillion you just happen to come up with $100 million which is the exact amount that Henry Kissinger is rumored to offer any new head of state when they are elected. Gordon Brown is 'rumored' to have received this amount and so is Tony Blair. President Trump was 'rumored' to have been offered this same amount which he turned down.
Its called the veil of forgetfulness. Some actually push through it and remember other times.
Here's a redpill for you lot of Anons - America still belongs to the UK (which belongs to the Vatican -Treaty of 1213).
Treaty of Paris 1783 article 5.
We may have been looking at this all wrong.
What if that line means that the Rothschilds are cult leaders, a church (others worship) and P.
Could P be for Paymaster???
So the brackets could be used to delineate what they do.
They are cult leaders
They are heads of a church (Synagogue of Satan?)
And they are Paymasters.
Something fishy with this. If this was lefit then firefighters and fire trucks would actually be getting in each others way.
There is something else going on. Can anyone find out what buildings are right next to the furniture shop?
I am thinking that there is an OP underway that is to do with rescuing children in basements (as in massive pedophile ring).
Or gold being recovered from a vault or two.
Something along those lines.