….while being Harp-heated…
30 years of rigorous scientific proof. PEAR wasn't shuttered. Just went dark due to implications.
http://. www. princeton.edu/~pear/theory.html
repair sauce
Takes some practice though. Some acquire the ability when young and either drop it or develop it. Near Death Experiences are forced out of body states. Lucid Dreaming is related in that when you become lucid, just tell yourself it's just a dreamscape and it will disappear and you'll be astral. A focused intent is all important. lulz, fagbook has many astral projection groups and these people actually hook up in the astral. Met a German girl online who was depressed and angry because she hooked up with a guy in the astral and he never called again. Crazy. Can be the same as real life. You have to ditch the ego and focus on being one with your 'higher self'. That's when it gets interesting.