Tick tock… The American people are tired of waiting for closure on all this stuff. EVERY person I’ve talked to knows the corruption, and want it cleaned. We are all sick of waiting. Just fucking arrest at least one of the higher level faggots. Sitting here being strung along and doing nothing but reading does no good. Look at Iran, if the people want some shot done, fuckin grow some balls and stand the fuck up and protest. When enough people do it, their system starts failing. THE ONLY WAY TO GET IT DONE IS TO UNITE AND KICK THE FUCKS OUT AS WE THE PEOPLE.
I got money on the table that says in 10 months, we still haven’t seen any big arrests, and the shit show of America continues on robbing and pillaging the world and it’s own population. This world fucking sucks. No one is willing to stand up for themselves. I am one of the few who will. I don’t give a shit if I get arrested or shot, I’m sending legal paperwork to a ton of government offices, one being POTUS, and I’m telling them all I’m done with the shit. If this isn’t cleaned up in 6 months, I’ll file class action suit against the government for fraud, intent to defraud, breach of trust(Cieste Que Vie trust - think BC), impartial and biased justice, wrongful imprisonment of Americans, and a slew of other war crimes and shit. I’m so far done. I don’t care if I make myself homeless paying for court shit to put this on the map, I’m that kind of guy and I’ll fight these pieces of shit til the bitter end.