Anonymous ID: 6eccee Jan. 2, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.229093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9288 >>9374 >>9433 >>9810





They have a type of Stockholm Syndrome.


Telling someone with Stockholm Syndrome that

they have Stockholm Syndrome is futile, and

only deepens their attachments to their "Captors."


Remember what Morpheus said: "They will fight

to protect the very system that enslaves them."


True. Story.


The only way to get through is to be kind, and patient. Paint yourself as their comrade, and

build trust. Building trust is the essential factor.


Do you trust someone who is yelling at you?

Do you trust someone who is calling you names?

Do you trust someone who is generally hateful?


Trust builds credibility.

Credibility is the next essential component of

waking someone up.


When you have gained trust and built credibility,

THEN you have an opening to seed truth.


Find a common starting point, such as missing children. Focus on the CHILDREN, and keep

the focus on the children. It is an excellent, cohesive topic. Leave what so-and-so is doing out of the equation. That equation will solve itself. They will wake up.


We can all agree we need to protect our children. Start there.


Then, let them realize the truth themselves. Be

patient. Think of it as trying to wake up a surly

teenager. They can be unpleasant, sleep is so

much more pleasant to them. If you try to roust them out of bed with a bucket of cold water, they will be angry!


Instead, be gentle, be compassionate.

You yourselves were once asleep.

How would you want someone to awaken you?


You cannot force truth at them, it strengthens their psychological defenses.


It really is a type of cult deprogramming.

Think about effective ways to overcome that.