+++ Real [SNOW(den) WHITE] Found via Phase Conjugate Memery +++
Oliver [STONE's] film ‘’Snowden’’ contains ‘’’THE EXACT SAME’’’ phrases used by ‘’’Q’’’ at very significant timestamps! Snowden’s NSA[KEY] nickname IS ‘’’Snow White‘’’, given to him by the self avowed Council of Data Wizards and Zero Day Warlocks aka ‘’’Q group‘’’… it’s ALL in the movie.
>No coincidences
What does that mean?
The ‘’’film’’’ and the entirety of the ‘’’Snowden Affair,’’’ including the role of the Bad and Good actors within the NSA[KEY] in both covering for, and ‘’’uncovering’’’ the The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All needs to be brought to light. This is an attempt to do so.
The Octopus will go down.
Amazing what a scrying stone of power can do, provided it’s held in the right hands. ;)
>No coincidences
What if ‘’’[Snow(den) White]‘’’ was never ‘’REALLY’’ a “traitor” to his country?
What if Snowden was only a traitor to (((them)) and NOT to the USA?
The oath is to protect the country from threats foreign and DOMESTIC.
>they never expected her to lose
What if he has been on the undercover mission to trump all undercover missions this entire time?
>Is disinformation real?
>Is it necessary?
What if the Snowden affair tricked the self styled “elite" into revealing to the public the very system that would eventually bring about their demise?
If one reads the bloodline and y, alleged Rothschild AMA, or if one is familiar with the occult in general, (((they))) are bound to rules of some strange kind, involving “karma”, and the requirement to tell people of their agenda and plans prior to the event itself.
Like how a magician announces the trick beforehand, the trick isn’t the what, it’s the how. (Think Georgia Guidestones)
Giving them the rope to hang themselves would therefore be fitting. Regardless of whether we are bound to such rules or not.
>they never expected her to lose
Did (((they))) not realize ‘’’EVERYONE's‘’’ data was being harvested, including their own?
How could anyone get away with their disgusting activities with such a system in place?
Did everyone sell their soul or were there hidden filters/backdoors built into the system?
Ultimately, I believe there was a select group of people, across multiple agencies, that watched 9/11 occur and realized, all was not right. These brave men and women banded together, in secret at first, but each group got larger, as the secret spread. Like a silent Paul Revere’s ride, they whispered amongst themselves, “Q is coming, Q is coming, be prepared for when the time comes to make our move, we’ll only have one shot at this.”
>they never expected her to lose
And then the unprecedented python approach was conducted.
Rest at — https:// pastebin.com/MXaQbMmP