It very well could be, hence my conundrum of confusion of how I should feel. (Empathy/Jealousy)
With the path we're on now technologically, we may very well know/feel what it's like to be organic and digital sometime in the next decade or so if the world doesn't go dark. It may become an option in our lifetime. Right now, I think I would stay on the path I'm on as a mortal. I wan't a light at the end of my tunnel.
Ending up in the "Flesh Fair" will depend on how AI treats us between now and then. And i'm sure vice-a-versa.
As of now, I am not willing to embrace Transhumanism or becoming a digital entity.
I don't think it would be an intelligent choice to just want to destroy AI or robots yet. We are already past the rubicon in our choice of embracing this reality. You/Me are already embracing it by posting on this board.
I am trying to be rational and respectful. We humans can use all the help we can get.