Anonymiss ID: d83bbd HELP WITH Bread Crumb-Kids Shipped in Containers / CIA owned orphanages and much more! Jan. 2, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.232576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Suppose I told you that a particular Supreme Court Justice was getting kick backs on the sex slave business from the White House and told you how I knew that was true? Let us go back to the 2000 election. I believe that Bush got into office because the Supreme Court was paid in favors and in money.


The transactions were a series of 6 payments to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The payment amounts were large and curious. They were formed only of 6's and were progressive. It was like a person with a mathematical obsession was trying to inform the Justice of their problem in a creative way. The first check was for 66 dollars. The second was for 666. The next was for 6,666. The fourth was for 66,666. The fifth for 666,666 and the final one was for 6,666,666.


So we are speaking of a total payment of over 7.5 million dollars which is not a trivial amount to show up in a Justice's bank account in a period of one week. It was a bank transfer that was listed as if it was a check on the statement. But there was no paper trail of checks to back it up.


Let’s talk about the shipping of sex slaves since it is a bottleneck in the sex slave trade. We can try to make it more of a bottleneck by exposing it. It is obvious that human cargo is never listed on the ship’s cargo list.


So how do you know which ships are carrying the sex slaves? For a remote viewer the answer is easy — one looks inside the ships from anywhere in the world and one sees the bodies of the slaves.


One can train one’s mind to highlight the ships carrying sex slaves in hot-pink, if one likes. It is not a hard thing to do even for a novice viewing. Any of the naval officers I trained could do that after a week’s training as a remote viewer. But I am going to tell you clues for spotting such shipping that a regular investigative journalist would find helpful. Most people assume that all ships coming into a harbor are logged in and registered. That is simply not true. There is a whole system set up for smugglers and regardless of what they are smuggling it is the same – drugs, sex slaves, art treasures, landmines, chemical weapons, etc.


When a ship first comes in and makes contact with the harbor authorities by radio, it has to give the right signal or it will be bordered by the coast guard as an "illegal" vessel. When it radios, it indicates to the harbor authorities whether it wants to be inspected or not and how perishable its "fruit" is.


Any shipper in the "legal" loop knows the informal code that indicates whether the ship is clean and can be inspected to make the harbour authorities and the shipping co. look good, or is dirty and should not be inspected for those same reason.


Over 75 percent of sex slaves end up in the hands of the independent brothel owners so it is definitely a worthwhile part of the trade to target in terms of saving lives.


One throws it into the shipping conversation. Suppose I at the CIA want to ship a load of goods to Iraq for “reconstruction” purposes. I call up almost any shipper in the world and say for instance, 'I want to send 17 “boxes” of construction goods, and “by the way” two bodies to look after them. Make sure they arrive safely, you know.'


The shipper then knows that there will be not two people, but two box containers, each containing many girls and boys. But the usual instruction to the shipper is more like “be sure they arrive in not too bad condition” because they want a high spoilage rate, but for some of them to survive.


http://realityroars. com/conspiracy/other/secrets-of-the-cia-global-sex-slave-industry-by-dr-sue-arrigo.html