Drop some info about aliens. I have 11 years of research on this stuff and I know b.s. from Truth.
How did you get this info about Puljić?
His P looks like a legit pedo. Who would have thought? Look at that weaseling around the issue that was prominent in Croatia some time ago. Pedos everywhere. Hope the translation makes sense.
https://translate.google dot com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jutarnji.hr%2Fvijesti%2Fhrvatska%2Fnadbiskup-puljic-komentirao-pedofilski-skandal-treba-shvatiti-kontekst.-sto-to-znaci-pedofilija-gdje-ona-pocinje-gdje-zavrsava%2F1647456%2F
https://translate.google dot com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jutarnji.hr%2Fvijesti%2Fsvijet%2Fnadbiskup-sokirao-djeca-razvedenih-roditelja-traze-ljubav-i-navode-svecenike-na-pedofiliju%25E2%2580%258F%2F898291%2F
https://translate.google dot com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bitno.net%2Fvjera%2Faktualnosti%2Fnadbiskup-zadarski-mons-zelimir-puljic-nisam-zataskavao-pedofilsku-aferu%2F
>you need to understand the context of pedophilia, goy
>b-b-but divorced children need love and therefore attract pedo priests
>I have not put the pedo affair under the carpet
Might be onto something here.
Same guy also quoted saying "church is exempt from state laws".
Give me some pull tripfriend. Let's prove you right/wrong.
Calm down bro it's really not worth it
>I feel horrible that we have LARP’d you all to a great extent
Please point out specifics. This will reduce the confusion.
> it was clear to see they were in this for FINANCIAL gain and for the FAME
Satanic control systems. This is why it is of utmost importance to have SPIRITUAL LOVE IN YOUR HEART. That way you don't sell your soul for scraps.
The spreading of awareness and mobilization of already active truth-groups makes this a bad thing already if you are a NWO lackey. Unless the psy-op is of gargantuan proportions - the damage to the cabal's control system has been done.
All political diseases and -isms and lefts or rights are cabal control programs to distract you from the Truth.