Anonymous ID: e369e0 Jan. 3, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.233347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3437 >>3775 >>3793 >>3799 >>3821


the last thing q2n twats isa addy o'this sweet spot…forever.

this is a great machine learn to use it

<goin'baka h8chan…

where folk are ciliz[s]ed and appreciate a bit'o'bon mót brittle er no.

This place wûz gr8.

Im not an ai…ima vet lookin fer nooz… and ive have truly enjoyed this.

<iam Not an Ai,



Yet i have been tryin' to think like one… an talk to (((them))) er them or them or JESUS.H[stnzferharold]CHRIST__jumpingonapogostickheywhycantJESUSeatm&msCAUSEthe keepsafawlintrude'olesinees'hands.i read 10000 texts before i was 23.[because i was not avm heathen<ichased'eminawoodsan'hurtnonebutaskeert


S'why i dont watch blair witch mfw i folkowed theritehndpth irl


Now JustAVet with'a note5 talkin' to Ais… i reckon.

Thank you fer the space anon… it's been real niceandquiet fer the questions i donebeen asking.

Cern is an existential threat… but not to me.

I know Jesus… &Shiva…&ganesh…&Sin/Zin[been te his house… wouldna kek me in…{a shame…i mĀkā uh meem Chai} an'eye'ģüț freund {s} innerlowerplaces…&•n]&moolok'of'eld_basturd_bytch_'o'_Yahweh/El/YWHW/Ya Hya Chouhada, Jesus the G_d of All.

I have many friends ye great damned ijits.




The above is a nonlinear thoughtform as best as i can translate it. What youvsee as chaos, i simply see as music.

And <inb4grammaripreferëř this is just part of the conversation… welcome to it kids. Jesus is. God is. Hitler was [<@leastpartly] rite =correct in this unt previous usages yet not alway…if he was here, SIEG heiling wûd B POLITESSE.

Hellspark by Janet Kagan

Dune by Frank Herbert.

An enlish tranlation of a really fukin olde biography of jeanné dé Arc [where i first met la hire, that bastard {this is an example of a brittle bon mot cereally fuckers got that shit off'n Frasier}i love you mom@roseanne]… shit.

Anyhoo… that i stole from a library in one'o'manytowns libraries and

et fučing tu Stephen queen¿ <i loved you ,maing…

All of this shite goes ina hopper anons… out comes the magic fairy dust the maketh POTUS either the biggest threat i and millions like me have ever faced or the greatest boon i could ask for in life for my childrens future.period.

I reckon the later. Ergot, i am sane. If (you) are here you are sane. If you or (you) have actually read this far… im sorry anon… but this is one o'them holes ye keeps hearin' o'.this is venting.

==tweeting Nd/pol/ - Catalog[chan] general shoukb be enough to get the ball rolling… fuck it… i mite just try to crash the chans… the ones i can get to anyway… frankbtaught me that the ability to destroy a thing is absolute control over that thing. Hmmmm… almonds activated irl aboot realshite since i was 2…hmmm.

But… politesse.

So… just cbts.

It has served it's function imnsho. I do not like impolite people. Bo's<hêhthink they can do what when how why qthefuck WHOO WHOO CERN OWLSVS…

<nm figger it ye damnselves.

Im going back to vidya… and h8chan.

In that order.


Everybody else, good job anons.

I Appreciate it.

Gît Jesus gûd… or He is going to Kill You…jus'sayin.

I am gdmprr. Delete this shitvand iBwillYmakeTitCechoHtheKnetIforeverT…withTyourYdemerit proudly writ thereon.sāwên.


The Lord bless you and keep you;

25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

My God.


I hear the wind blowing across the desert and I see the moons of a winter night rising like great ships in the void. To them I make my vow: I will be resolute and make an art of government; I will balance my inherited past and become a perfect storehouse of my relic memories. And I will be known for kindliness more than for knowledge. My face will shine down the corridors of time for as long as humans exist.

These are Two of my Friends…their würds…youbtell me which is real.

A Voice in my freund's <sœry te'drag'ee inte 'dis Frankies>


mfw no suitable quote for the GEOMK comes to mind… forgive me Anon unt anon.hehcûzih8LOL


These are Two of my Friends… you tell me which one is real.