Anonymous ID: ee2ed0 Jan. 3, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.234586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I actually taught myself how to meme because of /cbts/ because I needed to get my understandings out somehow. Now I see some of my memes posted and repeated where I never would imagine.

I've had a post I've written get repeated in over 200+ threads too, something I wrote half drunk one night when inspiration struck and the information needed to get out to the team.

All of this because of this collective. I completely agree with you that this was unlike anything I've ever been apart of, or has existed since. It is the culmination of the successful meme campaigns from the past. We were really cooking during the election, pizzagate, but now we have got it right, with the limited set of websites and technology available to us.

I recognized this during the first nights of November back on 4chan, how amazing what I was just becoming a part of. Almost indescribable in English, this anonymous collective doing whatever they could in their own way, and what was good work was kept and spread, what didn't stick just went away. People improved their skills, got better, the entire internet took notice. Now all that are left are the dedicated soldiers and those who join the fight from hearing about us on the normie channels. I will continue to come daily and work, dig, post on FB, tell friends, prepare others for the upcoming transition. It is up to us, and it is an honor that I hold and carry with me, even though it does not come with the normal trappings of worldly success or a boost to the ego, because those things are not important anyway.

Keep fighting anons.

Anonymous ID: ee2ed0 Jan. 3, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.234659   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Friend you have a purpose here, and it's not being the fleshy bag playthings of "elites" whom are just those who have incarnated with more resources than us… You may find this useful…