Why are news from small Denmark important?
Because Denmark is a member state of the EU.
And because the EU is trying to enforce the UN’s resettlement and Relocation Agenda on all its member states.
Only the Visegrad 4 (Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia) are resisting and are threatened with expulsion from the EU.
But those countries chose to stay and to fight the despotic EU from within.
Today I found two articles in Germany stating this:
Denmark is opting out of the UNHCR. It declared to be no longer willing to take their annual share of refugees.
MSM is not reporting on this. How could they uphold the narrative that every EU member must abide by their refugee resettlement program,
if a country like Denmark is refusing to do as told?
Q mentioned in his post from Dec, 23 „enough is enough“. A Danish guy mentioned to me that the Danish PM used these words in the NYE’s
speech (no sauce, unfortunately).
Q mentioned dominos falling. He might not have meant the EU’s (and UN’s) „Resettlement and Relocation“ Agenda, but how will Brussels be
able to enforce this policy now on their member states?
They cannot silence the news from Denmark forever.
So, if others would like to stop obeying the EU=UN=EU’s agenda too: would they also be called ugly racists or nazis or would the EU=UN=EU lose their
evil grip?
www.taz .de/!5473566/
www.epochtimes .de/politik/europa/daenemark-verlaesst-un-fluechtlingshilfswerk-aufnahme-von-migranten-komplett-gestoppt-a2310280.html
http://uim .dk/