I'm absconding with one of your memes. This makes me heart & soul sick. Prayer, lots of prayer to research this "filth". Days that I feel so "dirty" from this. Sick bastards.
I have looked & looked for real confirmation on this:
http:// www.someonesbones.com/blog/delta-force-raids-obama-stronghold-in-thailand/
https:// www.sgtreport.com/articles/2017/12/30/wishful-thinking-or-trump-deep-state-counter-coup-reality-delta-force-raids-obama-stronghold-in-thailand
Popped up right after Christmas, but have not been able to really confirm. There is a LOT of deniers running with this. (Snopes is one - what ever they say if 99% false).
Would this be one HUGE present if true?