Pre-arranged, no doubt. Classic Sun Tzu stuff. Bannon is GEOTUS' electoral strategist, regardless of his current job. Bickering at the boss to keep the base stirred up is part of his job description: interior foil.
That very well could be. Or it could be an opportunistic play of his own. He's slimy like that. We'll have to wait for more data.
Just might be. The Presidential Library in LR is where Bill lives. He has an apartment there. Probably some off-site storage, too. Can someone look into that? Either OoJ or deliberate fire to gain access. Might help solve the NY fire.
Just a guess, but I betcha that, in addition to any outbuildings on the property (likely), it may also have a bomb shelter. When was it built?
Wow. Doesn't even need to have a search warrant. And by SOP, everyone would be evacuated from the area until the all-clear has sounded.
Anything incriminating discovered during the ire investigation is turned over to the police.
If your meth lab catches on fire, you aren't just going to get a visit from the local Red Cross.
You cannot have a fire on the property and NOT get a visit from the local FD. That's what Fire Marshals are for. And local PD often are used for traffic and such.