just some firefighter info
> Firefighters reportedly responded to a BEDROOM fire (NOT SS QUARTERS) at the Clintons' home in Chappaqua http:// www.businessinsider.com/fire-hillary-bill-clinton-chappaqua-house-2018-1
This would mean that the TRUCK is useless SHOULD the fire get out of control. AND when that ENGINE runs out of water in 5min it ain't getting a supply unless it repositions. FRONT SUCTION is ON the building and SIDE SUCTION will be burnt up should that start rolling.
It's easy to read this from far away, and much harder to ACTUALLY DO, so I will refrain from passing ANY judgement, its only a photo afterall, and this could be them backing up to get out.
IF that were the case, you would expect the fire TRUCK to be parked where the ENGINE is parked. refer to my images and notes.
that's not fire damage, if that was there would be LOTS of hose and damage. this was likely an outlet spark-up or a bullshit call.
NO LINES LAID OFF, likely used a watercan
ty, I still think this was shitty fire ENGINE/TRUCK placement, and it could easily be attributed to VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS who often don't have the experience to place apparatus at such a scene's. If there were an actual fire, these are poorly placed for success. Maybe It was cover for a raid, or evidence gathering, OR it was volunteer 'effort' at their finest!
its tomorrow