Has the Q post about the Great Movie been verified?
OK, missed it. Thanks.
Interesting that Scaramuqqi is coming out a lot concerning Bannon. My opinion.
Bannon, Gorka are working for Trump in local elections (Bannon) and Gorka (media) and
mooch, who is tech savvy, is Q
Dig into USAID Hillary Benghazi connections. Deep rabbithole.
https://webcache.googleusercontent. com/search?q=cache:T8rWxbEQ4VAJ:https://www.usaid.gov/news-information/speeches-testimony%3Fspeaker%3DAll%26language%3DAll%26amp%253Blanguage%3DAll%26amp%253Bpage%3D1%26page%3D39+&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
I was amazed how Trump listened to the guy the whole time, didn't interupt. Respect.
You received a sign. Soon, as sign for the world.
I'm thinking we're going to get an executive order outlining how the govt treats classified info i.e release of previously classified documents.
A big giant dump of US govt secrets.
Qcodefag is all screwed up.