Taking a step back for a moment to expand my thinking, reconcile and all that goodness….
I've posted my Bush theory 4 times now, and each time I have had an avalanche of hate and a few people who say "maybe" - I have come to realize this is a thing….. – please pay attention non-shills cause I will be perfectly honest about how I came to this conclusion.
The tip-off was that I saw posts being removed when VQC+++ posted that Bush was behind 9/11 - and why would our side doing "cleanup" as they called it reemove this? And I thought - it can't be because Bush isn't evil cause I know he is! - and the urge to think that was so strong I realized I had been indoctrinated - and suddenly Q's talks of us being put in a hospital made sense
I don't know if the people hating in this thread my theory are shills paid or otherwise - but I do know that if anyone says even so much of a peep of positive words about Bush - they get the hate storm from shills AND from indoctrinated people…..
everything has a meaning and I haven't even posted most of my theory or evidince -I'm working on it, cause there's so god damn much of it…. but when I do I'll get this shit storm again…. and what did they do about Q? that whole "Q is a fake" - and the nazi push? I remember all that, this is why us autists are red-pilled so easily - but anyway, I just wanted to let people know that there is this war on Bush, I don't know what else to call it, but just try it out - say Bush is good ANYWHERE and see what happens. There is a reason for this.
There is a reason
Micheal Moore
anti Bush/Anti Trump documentry
Al Gore = Went to Harvard (CIA project HARVARD)
Ant Bush/Anti Trump documnetry
And so on…… there is a reason they want us to hate both of them and use the same people to do it.