>Everything has meaning.
>Who is AMB Matlock?
The uppercase letters in AMB may have some sort of dual meaning. No acronym stands out, but "amb" does have meaning.
Prefix AMB & AMBI which mean AROUND, ABOUT & BOTH. It comes from the Latin ambo, ambio & ambitio.
Which may be pointing to Jack and his wife, Rebecca Burrum Matlock, as a team??
In 1956 the Matlocks joined the Foreign Service and were posted in following years to Vienna, Oberammergau, Moscow, Accra, Zanzibar, and Dar es Salaam.
The Matlocks served four tours in the Soviet Union, between 1961 and 1991, and during that time she travelled to 14 of the 15 Union Republics.[2] They were posted to Moscow in 1961, 1974, 1981, and finally in 1987 when Jack Matlock was appointed U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union. During their final tour they lived at Spaso House in Moscow until 1991 and their retirement from the Foreign Service.