HEFTY LEFTY! (more ways than one!)
Anything is currency as long as people want it enough to give up wealth for it.
(I said that correctly)
And precious metals are precious because there is no easy way to get more.
Bitcoin can be hacked, paper can be printed, stocks are no better than a slot machine, so Gold is where I put my bets.
Remember 7.7.2007?
The "green movement" and the young Rothschild came out with a book (for children especially) to be indoctrinated into earth worship with things like "turning off the water while you brush your teeth" will save the world?
He got near ZERO response, even after spending so much to promote!
I remember that day!
"These people are stupid" indeed.
Can anyone shop those arms to touch the floor like the freak monkey she is?
Gotta open the normie door easy I know.
Its hard getting a lot of anons here to conceptualize the entirety of what can happen involving the central banks:
When personal assets are seized due to criminal enterprise, the PRIVATE FED becomes ACTUAL FED owned. At which time the government can decide to "NOT" charge back interest to itself…
ZERO the national debt in a split second.
That's a real possible scenario….
MAGA Bitches!
Good meme suggestion for that pic:
"Voter ID…
Verify your finger when electing the nuclear finger"
It is simple election ("electron" this case) fraud until the person perpetrating it is NOT a citizen. Then it becomes a much bigger deal…
This is on purpose.
Punishment is a wee bit more fun.
I expect market to collapse at anytime for the last 40 years.
The investments that whither the storm(s).
Only keep 20k$ or less in cash. (per 2 persons)
[cant cross border with more than 10k/per]
You can WEAR gold in any amount, jewelry is not considered currency unless it is made with Krugerrand's.
Booze as investment may sound odd, but think about the value of whiskey is stable. And will go UP in catastrophe.
PLUS: it can be used to barter.
Say a normie has lost his job, can't pay his car note, owes 6mos more on it. You give him a bottle of whiskey and let him sign it over to you to keep his credit good (he's gonna loose it anyway) and you use cash to pay it off. Get a car for cheap. He gets drunk. Everyone is happy.
(on the right side)
…are you saying we are too stupid or poor to understand the concept of one vote per person?
Want to "see" the influence of the media on NORMIES?
-Ask normies to "estimate" the percentage of homos in the USA. Based on perception…
They will say 25-40 percent every time! (average 30%)
This is PROOF positive of the influence of media.
I have done this question to Libtards since the early rainbow assault's of Hussein admin.
The combined words "CHILD" and "TENDERNESS" from a satanist…
-culinary type of disturbing