So what he was saying here
If HRC had taken command
We'd probably have a military take over if needed
And we probably almost just lost the USA and none will ever know how close we just came.
Looked at them before bed last night when you/or whomever posted it.
Thanks for the dreams BTW
Can we just go back and do the "Plan B" option?
I think it'd have been a lot faster
Could have taken out a lot of bad guys
And been back on track already
Although this leads to a bigger question of the long term viability of our form of government
Venice being the longest running forerunner in the end became a bunch of Oligarch factions.
But this great experiment has weeknesses and faults.
Our forefathers were right in call it a
because it is most definitely "NOT PERFECT"
Our weakness continues to be human sin and nothing less.
People need a healthy fear of God for this great experiment to work.
Crumb number 2?
>>242494 Pitcher—–→Catcher
The fans cheer! Ra!
Old News on here though. That was last month discussion.
These soldiers should been listed as KIA
and given proper medals.
Victims in WAR OF ALL WARS
>>242614 Too Clean for them niggers. Gottta be bigger entity.
Someone with style owns this setup.
Nice rugs - personalized - clean
Nice symbolic peoples working type of art
Probably democratic
Nig nog with a barrett on at the desk looking like who the fuck are you….so there are high level peeps in here.
Also a talented janitor.
Very clean.
Not a lot of traffic here.
So the money paying rent is from elsewhere. Stolen elsewhere to pay for it.
Just what jumps out at me.