Golden Triangle??
they got one of those in Washington DC
My pleasure…. and a shout out to the person who led me down that road
The road actually started when Barry and Honey Sherman were found dead…. "someone" wrote something about either someone jumping off a roof or being hit by a cab…. and I knew instantly when I hit this what the tie back was
This is just like Goodfellas after the Lufthansa heist at JFK
Jimmy Burke and Henry Hill started killing everyone who could implicate them
We've never really explored a whole lot about Kirsten Gillibrand, but I am sure that hole is deep
She was a Congressperson… and then out of everyone in the entire State of NY….. when Hilary Clinton became Secretary of State, Kirsten was appointed to Hillary's seat by Governor David Patterson
just like that BOOM she is a US Senator
that is no coincidence
you don't get get picked to be Senator like your fucking Miss America cause you're so cute
Kirsten's Daddy was hooked up with NXVIUM and I'm sure she is not far behind
NY is a cesspool
Temple of Set - think Michael Aquino
for those of you that follow S a r a h R u t h A s h c r o f t on Twitter, her father was trained by Aquino
anagram for Satan….
and he lives at the North Pole
lots of alleged mysteries at the North Pole
Roths like North Pole
Thank you, that was very informative
I enjoyed reading it
Thanks for taking the time to share it with me
Will file it away for future reference
Some good stuff on Santa Claus here
also very interested in the North Pole connection…. why doesn't he live at the South Pole?
at this point nothing surprises me
been to Cuba…. very strange place
I made this meme about Trudeau and the Pope
It looks like the Pope is like…… who told this asshole kid he could wear purple?????????????
maybe I'll turn it into one of my "Elite Rule ##____" never wear purple when you meet with the pope
my question is who is the Dude with the purple tie behind him
it seems with them whoever has the purple on is the highest ranker
Totally believe it
Also gets parents to start off lying to their kids right away
Guess what kiddies???? Everything is a lie…. not just Santa Claus
Everything is Santa Claus
Made up Luciferian shit
thanks…. had to turn the <3 comfy ass music <3 but I guess it's worth a listen