That is a relief! That's my task for tonight :)
I love you too, no homo. Some of us nerds really like that format, others prefer different formats. I'm constantly amazed and delighted at how many different formats anons come up with to present the information. It's beautiful.
>I realized this 2 days ago when I saw that all the threads from November were gone, and much of December.
That was like a kick in the chest by Jet Li. What would we have if /master archivist/ didn't archive those and make them available for us?!? We'd be up shit's creek!
>Either I missed the explanation for that, or the wondering is being ignored.
I have asked BO 3 times now, and have not gotten any response as to
a) his archives - can we access them?
backing up every 20 minutes is great but if we have no access to the threads in which Q posts, how does that help us?
b) merging his archives back into the 8ch archives
Codemonkey would have to help with that. Personally I don't fucking care about "test" thread or "more boots" threads. The research topic threads and the Generals in which Q posts are absolutely vital
>Save all that you can. Always save save save.
YES. I just happened to have archive.fo opened the other night and got a little feeling to archive General # 272 and did so just before it 404d. Now after each new thread I make sure to archive the last one at 750 posts.
>anons should do this on their own, just in case
I'm not always here so who knows. Better to be safe than sorry!
Archiving is critical - all articles, documents, muckety maps everything. "Memory hole" is real. This is our safeguard.