Since Q says everything has meaning, here is the other angle, fwiw, though I couldn't draw as strong a connection.
H.R.3665 - South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of 2017
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1998’’.
some stuff about incidental discharges…
sv = Sailing Vessel?
OK, so one of the bills passed seemed out of place, lumped in signing of the Human trafficking transport bill.
On Wednesday, January 3, 2018, the President signed into law:
S. 2273, which extends from December 18, 2017, to January 19, 2018, the moratorium on the requirement for Clean Water Act permitting of incidental discharges from certain vessels.
Maybe not exact, but brings a weird question
Are Coast Guard vessels having to get approval by the EPA etc? Did DJT extend that for about a month for smaller vessels ie Coast Guard?
dunno, maybe you anons can do something with it.