BREAKING ON FOX, not only are Killary's emails being investigated, but the "Pay to Play" allegations are as well
C'mon I've been looking at grotesque Geraldo all night
So now Bannons "Sloppy Steve" according to Trump Bahah
That makes sense to me the line with the
TWIT_P_ I think is just Twitter Page or something, went there and looked up #small-act (backwards since hashtag was at end, I dont count on that being the right approach) and there was something with that name, and they were connected to Red Cross via there web page
#2 is POTUS
smokeless fire is something blatant, something you can see right away cuz there's no smoke!
caught red handed
OR it just means fire or energy not produced from the simple process of combustion, whatever the hell that means im no expert on fire
by the way, did anyone see this?
Wikileaks basically says the CIA has stopped their investigation and this was posted Jan 2nd.
US government on why it has decided to close its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks (expanded in 2017 to cover our series on the CIA). Wait, what?
This is a good summary of Q's posts and current news
Jerome Corsi, who is connected to military intel confirms the NG did in fact go to Gitmo, and theres a little more detail in there on that
A reference to an Oct 29 post from Q about the elites, "do you think you can just get on a plan and fly away?" and sums up the weird plane and airport activity over the past week.
worth watching!!