Good morn fellow anons
As we review and are glued to the tube trying to figure out clues, I thought of one thing over and over again, Hamilton. Sorry, my child has me listening to it daily, great album by the way regardless of pov
Anyway, in Hamilton, hamilton needs Burrs help defending the constitution, so they were to write 25 between all of them and well Hamilton wrote 55, called The Federalists Papers.
So, we all believe 4,10,20 is DJT, alll things being equal and each drop has duality, which I also thought could be related to 4th, 10th & 20th century relating to Templar, Vatican and their evolution inner conflict (info to prove not a shill).
What if 4,10,20 is the federalist papers:
Pics related, y'all call it sauce
IMO, I have been inspired to read our constitution again with a clearer mind and I have found that it is not just about draining the swamp but going back to the foundation our country was fought for
I am beyond livid, until 12.22.17, I never realized that my vote meant
Taxation with representation
Founding fathers are turning over in the their graves
BTW, why would government shut down on the 19th if we no longer are sending money overseas, 300B has been saved.
One other thing, in all my research I have found the dems have created more modern day slavery, I'm working on all their organizations to show normies that the dems have enslaved us with their organizations
God bless