Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 4, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.247096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7105 >>7112

Good morn fellow anons




As we review and are glued to the tube trying to figure out clues, I thought of one thing over and over again, Hamilton. Sorry, my child has me listening to it daily, great album by the way regardless of pov


Anyway, in Hamilton, hamilton needs Burrs help defending the constitution, so they were to write 25 between all of them and well Hamilton wrote 55, called The Federalists Papers.


So, we all believe 4,10,20 is DJT, alll things being equal and each drop has duality, which I also thought could be related to 4th, 10th & 20th century relating to Templar, Vatican and their evolution inner conflict (info to prove not a shill).


What if 4,10,20 is the federalist papers:


Pics related, y'all call it sauce




IMO, I have been inspired to read our constitution again with a clearer mind and I have found that it is not just about draining the swamp but going back to the foundation our country was fought for


I am beyond livid, until 12.22.17, I never realized that my vote meant


Taxation with representation


Founding fathers are turning over in the their graves


BTW, why would government shut down on the 19th if we no longer are sending money overseas, 300B has been saved.


One other thing, in all my research I have found the dems have created more modern day slavery, I'm working on all their organizations to show normies that the dems have enslaved us with their organizations


God bless

Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 4, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.247179   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hamilton is really known for being the first secretary of the treasury, I posted about current secretary about a month back, anyway Hamilton as a young self made immigrant who was gung ho to fight in the revolution but was very clever with his quill had the foresight to understand that though America was free it would be attack in time for her resources and we should be prepared.


Kind sound familiar, why are we in the Middle East, OIL, also governments wage war to stimulate the economy basic economics 101. Maynard Keynes father of economics


DJT Is like Hamilton in that Hamilton was not well received but acknowledged that he was brilliant but he was not aristocracy, we have to face it, founding fathers were of the aristocracy while Hamilton was not. Hamilton was tolerated because he made people money. Hamilton was also railroaded like DJT but was innocent but because he was honest he could never run for president.


We are in the midst of history repeating, a cycle I pray we break permanently. Think about it every 60yrs we have major events that change our lives and we are living it!!!!


Basically, if we are to really unite, we have to go back to our foundatio.

Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 4, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.247230   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The federalist papers also clarified What if situation like state rights, faction protecting from foreign and domestic threats.


I'm also looking at the constitution but that is a little tricky because there is no 20 in bill of rights but we have amendment 20, so given what the drops and news are, hard to decided but I think 4 10 20 mean so much more and are very relevant in the most awesome way.


I keep thinking 3D, I don't know where I would put everyone


Pawns are congressmen always, will keep thinking.

Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 4, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.247245   🗄️.is 🔗kun



DJT tweets Pakistan and palenstin, I am now more lived, I had friends come home in coffins in the 80's because of the bs I. Palestin, BS, to know I was 16 and that is where my taxes went to,





Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 4, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.247268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7298



Okay, so Q opens up about 9/11, which leads to an investigation which we will get eventually

But what about Haiti

But what about the hurricanes


NG Sent to PR so there wouldn't be another Haiti


I want the truth, hell I know the truth


I WANT IT MADE PUBLIC once and for all

Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 4, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.247288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293 >>7306

Hey Big Guy


I know you are around and have been

We are not perfect

We get cranky

We fight

We meme

We research

We debate

We find the answers

Just not fast enough


Could we get a little something

A minor/major bad actor caught

NOT BIG FISH. Cause due process and all

But a big enough bad actor, after all they go after us for lint on sleeve


Just something

Comey in a boot

I know Loretta lynch for all her lies, under oath no less


Oh well, just my 2am fantasy, I'll keep praying


God bless, and grant me another 24 hours so patienece.

Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 5, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.247318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No not red pilled just pulled head out of sand.


I have never trusted government.


I swore that if the draft ever came about again, I would move to Mexico to protect my sons, well didn't work out so well, one son in army, had to stay stateside and of course problems in Mexico made me realize I was safer here


Can't hide from destiny and can't loose faith in God/Trump/American spirit




I usually preach patience but just got knowing we put bad actors in power and then they go around creating coups and then taking out those they put in power that is why the federalists papers are so important


Ty dude for encouragement

Anonymous ID: 01d8f7 Jan. 5, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.247364   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank you,


I know, I know


Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord

Well I'm Irish

I say, patience is mine

I'm gonna watch you get yours


I'll keep repeating


I didn't vote for a politician

I voted for a Mogual to fix what the damn politicians did


And because he says Your Fired so well


Lots of gratitude


I just love the guy, he keeps me in stitches


My button is bigger and it works, cracks me up


Someone meme this


My happy place is next to Trump with him looking at 8 chan with a big red button, with Hillary standing on the other side and a snake pit below her


Got my happy face on now.


I know, optics.


God bless.


Tell me Hill, do you feel lucky today?