http://www.thegatewaypundit. com/2018/01/roger-stone-bannons-money-man-chinese-soros-operative-double-agent-video/
TOTAL FAKE NEWS BULLSHIT! I’m not defending Bannon (if he in fact said those things in Wolff’s book), but, obviously, drudge and Roger Stone are either working for the establishment neocon faction of the deep state, or worse the Chinese. Stone has obviously flipped because he has openly admitted recently that he is currently writing a book on the failed Trump presidency for god’s sake! My wife warned me that Roger was a snake!!!! Alex is slated for sacrifice and he and his listeners don’t even realize it yet. I’ve seen the signs but tried to dismiss them, but this latest nonsense by Stone is irrefutable conformation for me.
If Miles Kwok (aka Guo Wen Gui) is here in exile, a hero to millions of Chinese Americans, who has desperately been warning Americans about Chinese spies here in the US, of course the communist regime are going to drum up all sorts of false charges. For Christ’s sake they are communist tyrants and thus inherently dishonest and corrupt. Journalism 101: Do your due diligence before condemning people. I was turned on to Guo Wen Gui’s struggle months ago by a good friend and colleague who is a Chinese American who loves Trump and America. He is not a SORO’s plant to my knowledge and no credible evidence has been presented.
Chinese Billionaire Guo Wengui Plots Regime Change … - Breitbart
http://www.breitbart. com/national-security/2017/12/10/chinese-billionaire-guo-wengui-plots-regime-change-democracy-worlds-populated-country/
Dec 10, 2017 - Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, who Xi Jinping called “the most human, most emotional person out of all the (Chinese) officials,” says he is planning a “change of the regime” in Beijing to bring democracy to China.
China's Pursuit of Fugitive Businessman Guo Wengui Kicks Off …Oct 22, 2017
https://www.wsj. com/articles/chinas-hunt-for-guo-wengui-a-fugitive-businessman-kicks-off-manhattan-caper-worthy-of-spy-thriller-1508717977
Billionaire Guo Wengui Blasts Chinese 'Kleptocracy,' Warns - Breitbart
http://www.breitbart. com/national-security/2017/10/06/billionaire-guo-wengui-blasts-chinese-kleptocracy-warns-attempts-decimate-us/
Oct 6, 2017 - Guo Wengui blasted what he called the “kleptocracy” running China, and warned that a wave of Chinese spies are being dispatched to the U.S..
Billionaire Guo Wengui Asks US for Asylum After Accusing … - Breitbart
Sep 7, 2017 - Billionaire real estate mogul Guo Wengui seeks asylum in the U.S. after accusing top Chinese officials of corruption.
Unless Roger or someone presents some compelling undisclosed evidence, the publicly available evidence is crystal clear on Miles. This Chinese billionaire is an anti-communist pro American patriot. Most Chinese Americans consider Miles a hero. He has desperately tried to warn Trump about Chinese spies, but Bannon was the only contacts from Trump’s admin who agreed to meet with him back on Oct 4th. Miles then posted a picture with Bannon on Oct 10th where Drudge found the picture that he posted today. Just think about it for a second using common sense. For example, if Miles was a deep state plant, like say Richard Spencer, then the MSM would give him a free platform, but they haven’t. In fact, the “deep state” took down his youtube and Facebook accounts under extreme pressure from the Chinese communist regime. He is an extreme major threat to their plans for world hegemony and he is fighting for his life and liberty in the only place left on Earth where free speech is supposed to be protected. If Trump sends Miles back, he not only loses all his support from Chinese American citizens here in the US, but he hands over and forfeits one of the most powerful weapons against the communist threat.