>Internal fuckery exposed
Confirmation for most of us who've been here since the beginning.
No matter. Onward.
I’m gonna have a go at this drop, anons.
Feel free to add/correct/suggest:
>Why is Hussein traveling the globe?
He needs money. SA cut off.
>Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
>Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391
These are BHO account #’s posted to show that No Such Agency knows exactly where Hussein keep his money and can see what he’s doing at all times.
My theory: MONEY POWERFUL GAME = Monopoly
>Where did the MONEY come from?
Roths, hidden cabal
>How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?
>Direct attack?
Indirect attack = acquisition of that country - Buy businesses/assets/property/land/mineral rights in that country.
>Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?
>Think GAME.
Monoply. Acquisition of assets
>Who are the PLAYERS?
Roths/SA, others unknown.
>What are the REWARDS?
Property, mineral rights, rights to natural resources, businesses, leverage, political control.
Keystone applied = good guys winning.
>We will make more public.
>SA was strategic.
Cut off the money first. Imprison SA bad actors first as message to potential sponsors. Force bad actors to scramble for other support – Hussein. More dangerous for other sponsors to support Hussein after SA bad actors are imprisoned.
Loss of money isn’t what the cabal fears, they have plenty of money. Loss of freedom, imprisonment, is what they fear.
SA scumbags locked up sent message.
>“We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”
>These people are stupid!
We're not going to be able to find the full account #'s, and we don't have to.
Q posting these is just a message to BHO that they can hear him breath, so to speak.
Good guys know where Hussein hid his money. That's the message here.
Let's not waste resources/time digging for account numbers we will never find and we can't use anyway.