>next week
Roll damn tide
Roll patriots
>next week
Roll damn tide
Roll patriots
>muh chemtraaaaayllmaos
Sage and ban these sliding cunts. Nothing to do with Q. Back to plebbit faggots
ONLY Chan board where mods are famewhoring and flexing muh Power muscles. Donโt question AJ, itโs bannable. But these threads get 700+ shitposts/ slides and thatโs ok
Perhaps beginning of op?
Thanks faggot. Look into an-hero on livestream
Buh muh ayyyylmao
>listen nigger just do as I say
>donโt worry about muh lies
>disinfo is necessary
Says TPTB and BO for 100 Alex
Listen /newfag/. H8 Chan is about free speech. You obviously donโt understand free speech. If one is going to censor one side the other must be censored also. Go back to your AARP bridge game gramps
Yeah must be