Google Ballast testing… Spraying planes exist, we know this, it's no longer a secret. They have their web pages in the open now. This picture however, is nothing more than a routine ballast test. Sorry.
Google Ballast testing… Spraying planes exist, we know this, it's no longer a secret. They have their web pages in the open now. This picture however, is nothing more than a routine ballast test. Sorry.
Who's deleting posts?
Not sure. Trump only stated it was going to happen, he didn't specify where. I would assume, his Twitter page kek
These People are Stupid
So they're in a rush to get a book published that claims Trump is dumb and never wanted to be president (like he just woke up one day and found he won?) But yet, they insist on investigating him to find Russian Collusion because he didn't want to win so bad. oO)