My take on Qs post:
Means: All other Qs are fake. So Q on Twitter (kill_rogue) is fake too. Q only uses this platform (8chan).
My take on Qs post:
Means: All other Qs are fake. So Q on Twitter (kill_rogue) is fake too. Q only uses this platform (8chan).
"And that weird claim to have direct comm w Q (he can message Board Owner, not the other way around), which is now called out by Q himself…"
>No comms privately w/ anyone.
Never mind. I found the "foxandfrlends" tweet by Trump.
Yep. That's the one. I am pretty sure that was intentional. Proof enough to me that Q is the real deal. (Q made a post about a missing i once)
Still, Q never really confirmed this twitter account. There is also no specific call out to follow this twitter account. The most likely scenario is that a person who saw Q's post here on 8chan, suddenly used his existing Twitter account (created on October 2017) and changed his name to "kill_rogue" (which you can actually do, and there's no name history, so you can't find out which name this twitter account had before).
I am still saying that "kill_rogue" on Twitter is fake Q until Q confirms it himself here on 8chan.
Pretty much this. Q wouldn't even use fucking Twitter for god sake. Not in the position he's currently in. Assume you were part of a Top Secret mission to expose the crazy, insane pedophile elite… would you create a fucking Twitter account!?