Zack is on infowars now
If you aren't listening to Zack on infowars your a fucking moron…
dropping straight bombs……
talking about Q posts, but not referencing Q….
Shill Alert…
wow, lots of dumb asses in here today… what do you buy with your 14.50 an hour?
Zack talking about 8ch right now….. Q is not a person, is "PLURAL" amazing..
just said you can count the people in
he said that you can count the Q team with both hands… Zack is amazing
Q is a group, remember he needed to have Trips working on MULTIPLE DEVICES…..
oh yes, I know, I was there when Q needed multiple devices to use the Trips…. I'm just saying that Zack knows, and knows whats up.
I love bringing up infowars, Shills go nuts.
Like you fucking faggots have put out even a .001% of the info that infowars has, about vaccines, about fluoride etc. etc. fucking stupid fucking faggots.
Zack basically told AJ to STFU and let him talk about Assange and Musk….
AJ confirmed that after the Saudi Arabia stuff went down, the lawsuits against infowars dropped, because the money dried up…
ok sure buddy….
Zack never said that he was part of Q, that is my proof
we can go back and forth for hours, how about you get your info, and I get mine?
Those who know how to sort info will understand
good one anon