oh man,
Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation
this coming from CNN -→ if CNN is now reporting on this, man this MUST be the real deal.
oh man,
Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation
this coming from CNN -→ if CNN is now reporting on this, man this MUST be the real deal.
must be "B" talking here.
also, when you look at document 8 on here, "NNSA Sigma Training" on slide 7, you'll notice :
Access Authorization
• Access to and distribution of Σ14 or Σ15 NWD must be
restricted to those individuals with:
– Valid need-to-know;
– DOE “Q” clearance or equivalent authorization based on
the appropriate, current background investigation
completed within five years or verification of submission
of re-investigation paperwork; and
– Appropriate Σ14 or Σ15 authorization.
• Access authorization does not imply NTK for all Σ14 and Σ15
• Access authorization of Σ15 does not grant you access to Σ14
NWD and vice versa.
explicitly calling out "Q" clearance.
National Nuclear Security Administration
Douglas Strack, NNSA UCPC
Office phone: 202-586-8938
Unclassified email: douglas.strack@nnsa.doe.gov
Gerald Kreft, Alternate NNSA UCPC
Office phone: 202-586-9970
Unclassified email: gerald.kreft@nnsa.doe.gov
Sandra Dodd, NNSA UCPC Program Support
Office phone: 202-586-0348
Unclassified email: sandra.dodd@nnsa.doe.gov
Bonnie Carnes, NNSA UCPC Verifier
Office phone: 202-586-4147
Unclassified email: bonnie.carnes@nnsa.doe.gov
Paula Spence, NNSA Albuquerque Complex
On-Site Advisor
Office phone: 505-845-6121
Unclassified email: paula.j.spence@nnsa.doe.gov
Lisa Cogburn, NNSA Albuquerque Complex
Alternate On-Site Advisor
Office phone: 505-845-6221
Unclassified email: lisa.cogburn@nnsa.doe.gov
DOE Headquarters
Sandra Dorsey, HS-60 UCSC
Office phone: 301-903-3521
Unclassified email: sandy.dorsey@hq.doe.gov
Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board
Mike Leggett, DNFSB UCSC
Office phone: 202-694-7026
Unclassified email: mike1@dnfsb.gov
Department of Defense
CPO Charles Brown, DoD UCSC
Office phone: 703-693-4009
Unclassified email: charles.brown2@osd.mil