If you EMP'd america, 90% of the population would die. LOL harmless.
WOW. That is all LOL.
If you cut the power, you are gonna see a lot of deaths. Especially in the winter. Popular mechanics is bullshit.
It's down 14% so far this year. WIth the intro of the petro-yuan, shanghi gold exchange, and chinese parallel swift system, combined with the silk road trading network, the entire global financial system is already moved to the east.
With the intro of the petro yuan futures contract on January 18th, the US global reserve status will be over.
Agreed. Silver is the most undervalued asset in existence.
The trannie pill is hard to swallow anon. EAT IT.
I have a plan to be gone in 2 hours. Don't you worry LOL . I bet you haven't even thought about it. I hope it never happens, but I'm ready for anything. I can escape a forest fire with massive smoke issues.. I'm ready for any number of disasters, up to and including nuclear invasion/reactor meltdown.
Food water, guns gold ammo.
It's not gonna crash on the 18th, but many countries will do a dump. They only hold US dollars for oil, and the second they can dump it they will. It's a toxic asset at this point. Anyone who doubts this.. Go fuck yourself. So easy to research what I am saying.
Multiple diety idol worship = fallen angel worship. Same as all the others. It's not about Christianity, it's about the truth. Enjoy.