The Truman Show
" We accept the realities of the world with which we are presented."
As this whole Q-Awakening event has unraveled, we joked here about "living in the Truman Show". Then the post this morning (Fire Watch
Anon?) posted "The Truman Show" in that long post. Coincidence? I think not, perhaps. No coincidences.
I went back and watched the movie again. It took me several hours as I had to stop and take notes constantly. Knowing what
I know now, about all of the various topics we have discuss here in the past 2.5 months, the symobolism is off the Richter
Scale. Everything is played out in this movie. Everything. IN PLAIN SITE. It's disgusting.
Go back and watch it again, and you will see it staring you in the face.
*MEDIA-controls what you listen to, watch on television, and molds your way of life. Seen with Truman driving around in the car listening to radio
or preprogrammed television show, newspaper headlines thru out movie on guy at the newstand;
*ADVERTISING-the two Doppleganger Brothers stop Truman, twice, and push him up against the wall so the camera can pick up the
ad on the wall, (it's everywhere, in plain site)
-Wife picks up the MoCocoa can and does an impromptu commercial to the audience for the product, producer (during interview
Director confirms this), we are so used to this that we don't even notice it anymore;
-Director confirms all advertising is done subliminally as they are a live show and cannot stop for commercials.
*EDUCATION-see how Truman is shaped/molded in early grades (he wants to be an explorer and is shut down by his teacher), in college he
can't get what he wants (the woman) and is thwarted in his every move;
-psychological-"you know you were always afraid of water",
-physical-they invoke fear in him with the snarling dogs,
-emotional-feelings of need when his buddy says, "you're the closest thing to a brother…I would never lie to you…years wasted looking for
answers" when they were in plain site,
-torture him on the boat with heavy wind/rain when he runs (end of movie),
-fake surgery suggests sacrifice/loss of limbs;
-Directors comment referencing ex-cast, "Dead. That one" (-suggests someone was killed that didn't play along or Out us and
we will kill you.),
-Director says, "Truman prefers his cell" (oblivious to change, head stuck in the sand, Closed minded),
-Aliens introduced when someone gets too close to the truth,
-Weather introduced with things don't go their way,
-evoke feelings of terror when he sees Plane Poster with Lightening striking it.