OMG… someone get me a popcorn eating gif. this is getting fun.
And in fact, I agree with you. Though I must have been gone for that !2 trip code posting.
This is quite the conundrum, but the likely hood of them cracking his trip code is exactly as high for the second as it was for the first. I don't know the back end of this system, but a new IP isn't exactly a smoking gun… And I smell way too much BO hatred that can be too easily sown by the gagogazillion shills we have had.
Hope it all sorts out. But if this is some dissolution thing so a guy named "Q" can get his life back, that will suck balls.
Is that your real email or a grudge entry against an ex? seriously? Now is not the time to throw that out there.
HI MOM! Sorry (not sorry) about the language. Hope we get it cleared up. No following of fakes, and this is so important, someone really is working hard to derail it, which makes you wonder. Even all the drama would harden resolve, much like a false flag… this is intredasting!
Hopefully you can post after this from one of your "known" locations and then CHANGE your trip code again AFTER it is verified. That is the simple way to resolve all of this.
shill. gotcha